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The Shift

Are you ready for…


Finding Your Voice means more than just speaking up.

Finding Your Voice is a journey. It is a risk. But mostly, it requires an INNER SHIFT.

Are you willing to wake up to who you are?

Are you ready to let go of who you thought you were?

Are you willing to explore what is stopping you?

Would you like to overcome your fears and blocks?

Are you willing to risk being who you have never been before?

Are you willing to risk stepping into the light?

Are you willing to say what you need to say, regardless of what others might say or think?

Are you willing to be visible and show yourself as you are?

What really can be lost?

And above all – are you not curious to find out who you may be once you have gone through the process and experienced the shift?


Finding Your Voice means –

..hearing and listening to what comes FROM WITHIN and going with it no matter what anyone else may say or think.

..LETTING GO of old and self-limiting ideas and patterns.

..knowing that what you need to express (and acting upon it), will drown out all other voices –‘out there’ or ‘in here’– that are not part of who you truly are.

..deeply knowing who you are and what you need to share.

..knowing that if you don’t use your voice, you are also keeping other authentic voices silent by perpetuating the established patterns.


When you do show up and use your own unique voice, fully own your story, you become a powerful trailblazing light, providing a new way for those who need to hear and see your unique example.

And hint, hint.. only YOU can do it, for there is only ONE OF YOU!

As this tumultuous year is coming to a close and a new one is soon emerging, I trust many of us are truly looking forward to 2021! It is a chance to truly let go of the old – we are very clearly being called to do so in these special times –  and WELCOME THE NEW.

Are you ready to welcome the new and empowered you?

Are you ready to commit yourself in 2021 
to showing up as your 
most authentic and truthful self?

Are you ready to commit to Finding Your own Voice?

Are you ready to Owning Your Story?

Do you want to be able to
give powerful presentations, talks or videos?

I would love to

in one of my 
Online Courses
starting in January 2021!

Join me on this most rewarding journey of discovery and empowerment!

Find Your Voice
(10 Modules) – 6th January 2021 -­­ here

Own Your Story
(5 Modules) – 12th January 2021here

Power Presentations
(3 Modules) – dates coming