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The Right to Speak

Speaking is our birthright.

In our life, so many things happen to us that literally take our breath away. They also take our voice away. The result? We end up being silenced, shamed or we take a secret vow not to speak up again. But ‘if we do not bring forth that which is within us, it will kill us’, as the Gospel of Thomas says. The flipside? ‘If we bring forth that which is within us, it will give us life’

Speaking can be with our physical voice, but also through our being, in the ‘how’ we are.  When an opportunity to exercise our right to speak presents itself, we have a choice: either we let the moment go by, are silent, observe, wonder what might have happened had we spoken, and end up disempowered for not sharing ourselves and our voice generously in that moment. Or we can get over ourselves, our fears and stand for the greater truth of the moment, say what needs saying, take the leap of faith, trust that what we say will help build a better world. 

We are here, each with our unique voice, that is meant to be expressed and heard.

Mostly though, we give in to our fears.
Why not dare to focus on what is positive? 

If we focus on our hopes, our dreams, our ideas – isn’t that what faith is? Belief in the invisible promises that were given and spoken over our lives? Everything begins in the invisible. These opportunities give us a chance to co-create a world and a life that is worth living in and for. We are meant to speak our dream world into existence.

The Greeks got it right when they said that when we release a word into the ether, one that is truly married with intent and the real purpose of the word, when we really connect with the word, this word goes out into the energetic world with its unique signature vibration and takes on a life of its own. This is co-creation in action. What we say indeed has creative power.

We might as well learn to speak and use our voice well, with intention, integrity and purpose, so that we may build a world we haven’t yet seen or experienced – rooted in truth, love, creativity and abundance.

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