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The Body

Our body holds our history.

Within every cell of our body, every emotion we have ever experienced is stored. Some of it is great, some of it not so. 

Our body, with all the tensions we hold, the posture we adopt, the habits we (often subconsciously) cling to, deeply affect our ability to speak freely, naturally, confidently and powerfully. The more tense and blocked we are, the more this restricts our presence and is reflected in our voice and our energy. This is subtly picked up by the audience, the camera, the listener. 

When we work on releasing the tensions that are held in our body – and sometimes underneath all, this can be trauma – we suddenly become freer, lighter, energised and, yes, empowered. 

The journey to a powerful voice that includes facing our fears, releasing the past,  forgiveness, letting go and surrender, is in fact, the heroine’s journey. 

To journey on our own heroine’s journey, we need courage. And the way to courage, is to be strongly connected – by faith – to our own love inside, to hope, to our dreams, to the promises we know deep inside ourselves to be possible for our lives (yes, those that have been whispered to us in secret at some point in our lives!). When this inner strength, this inner knowing, is deeply rooted in our being, we find the courage to take the leap that may even lead to some serendipitous experiences.

Though be well aware, this journey cannot happen in our minds alone. We need to go through and with our body, deeply connecting with it, getting into it, waking up every single cell by flooding and infusing it with positive energy, love, hope and inspiration. These guiding forces will show us the way to our ‘holy grail’ of our dreams. We shall then discover the freedom of movement and expression of our being, which is our very own empowerment. And in the process, we give hope to and inspire others by what may just be possible for them too.

#thebody #speaking #findyourvoice #yourvoiceyourpower #claudiawinfield